Plunkett’s Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac 2010 Edited by Jack W. Plunkett


Plunkett’s Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac 2010
Editor and Publisher: Jack W. Plunkett

Plunkett's Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac

A Short Apparel & Textiles Industry Glossary xi
Introduction 1
How To Use This Book 3
Chapter 1: Major Trends Affecting the Apparel & Textiles Industry 7
1) Introduction to the Apparel & Textiles Industry 7
2) Globalization: Growth in Offshore Apparel Manufacturing Slows/China Remains a Major Factor 10
3) Western Apparel Firms Enter the Chinese Market 12
4) High-Tech, Nanotech and Smart Fabrics Proliferate 12
5) Exercise Apparel Sales Fall Slightly 13
6) 3PL Supply Chain Management Evolves to Serve the Global Market 14
7) The Vast Majority of Shoes Sold in the U.S. Are Now Made in China 16
8) Bricks, Clicks and Catalogs Create Synergies While Online Sales Growth Slows 16
9) Alternative Sizing Is Big, But Plus Size Sales Are Slowing 17
10) Baby Boomers Dominate the Apparel Market 18
11) Discount Clothing Retailers See Promise in Designer Lines 19
12) Luxury Lines Face Falling Revenues 19
13) Luxury Goes Online 20
14) Online Apparel Buying Looks for Better Fit 21
15) Self Service Retail and Travel Technologies Take Off 21
16) Mass Designers and Retailers Speed Up for Fast Fashion 22
17) Athletic Footwear Draws Big Names from Athletes to Designers 23
18) Some Apparel Manufacturers Still Resist Outsourcing 24
19) Apparel Goes Green 24
Chapter 2: Apparel & Textiles Industry Statistics 25
Apparel & Textiles Industry Overview 26
International Trade in Textiles: 1980-2008 27
Quarterly Summary of U.S. Textile Production: 2006-2009 28
International Trade in Apparel: 1980-2008 29
Summary of Quantity of U.S. Production & Value of Shipments for Apparel: 2007-2009 30
Production, Exports, Imports & Apparent Consumption of Selected Apparel Items, U.S.: 2009 31
International Export Prices of Cotton, Wool, Rubber, Hides & Skins as Indices: 2000-2009 32
Summary of U.S. Broadwoven Fabrics Production: 2006-2009 33
Production, Exports, Imports & Apparent Consumption of Broadwoven Fabrics, U.S.: 2009 34
Summary of U.S. Knit Fabrics Production: 2008-2009 35
Production, Exports, Imports & Apparent Consumption of Knit Fabrics, Sheets, Pillowcases &
Towels, U.S.: 2009 36
Summary of U.S. Yarn Production by Fiber: 2006-2009 37
Production, Exports, Imports & Apparent Consumption of Yarn, U.S.: 2009 38
Production, Exports, Imports & Apparent Consumption of Carpet & Rugs, U.S.: 2007-2008 39
Quantity & Value of U.S. Manufacturers’ Shipments of Carpet & Rugs: 2003-2008 40
Summary of U.S. Daily Averages of Cotton & Manmade Fibers Consumed on the Cotton System,
Spindle Hours Operated & Stocks: 2008-January 2010 41
U.S. Retail Clothing Sales, Selected Kinds of Businesses: 2003-2009 42
Top 50 Countries Exporting Textiles & Apparel to the U.S., All MFA Fibers: 2008-2009 43
Top 50 Destinations of U.S. Textiles & Apparel: 2008-2009 44
Top 25 Countries Exporting Apparel & Non-Apparel Textiles to the U.S., All MFA Fibers: 2008-2009 45
Top 15 Countries Exporting Fabric, Man-Made Fiber Products, Cotton Products & Wool Products
to the U.S., All MFA Fibers: 2008-2009 46
Worldwide Cotton Area, Yield & Production: 2007-2010 47
Apparel & Textiles Industry Employment by Business Type, U.S.: 2004-2009 48
Chapter 3: Important Apparel & Textiles Industry Contacts
Addresses, Telephone Numbers and Internet Sites 49
Chapter 4: THE APPAREL & TEXTILES 350:
Who They Are and How They Were Chosen 71
Industry List, With Codes 72
Index of Rankings Within Industry Groups 74
Alphabetical Index 83
Index of U.S. Headquarters Location by State 86
Index of Non-U.S. Headquarters Location by Country 89
Index by Regions of the U.S. Where the Firms Have Locations 91
Index of Firms with International Operations 100
Individual Profiles on each of THE APPAREL & TEXTILES 350 103
Additional Indexes
Index of Hot Spots for Advancement for Women/Minorities 457
Index by Subsidiaries, Brand Names and Affiliations 459

A Short Apparel & Textiles Industry Glossary
10-K: An annual report filed by publicly held companies. It provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s business and its finances. By law, it must contain specific information and follow a given form, the “Annual Report on Form 10-K.” The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission requires that it be filed within 90 days after fiscal year end. However, these reports are often filed late due to extenuating circumstances. Variations of a 10-K are often filed to indicate amendments and changes. Most publicly held companies also publish an “annual report” that is not on Form 10-K. These annual reports are more informal and are frequently used by a company to enhance its image with customers, investors and industry peers.

Acetate Fiber: A fast-drying, wrinkle-resistant fiber made from cellulose acetate, used in apparel, draperies, bed linen, carpets and cigarette filters.

Acrylic Fiber: Any manufactured fiber that contains at least 85% acrylonitrile by weight, used in apparel, faux fur, carpets, draperies and upholstery.

Activewear: Any garment made to provide comfort, warmth or support during vigorous exercise.

Ageing: The degrading of textiles due to oxidation and light exposure, or a similar process used on printed fabric to achieve a desired effect such as a particular color.

Air Jet Loom: A shuttle-less loom that uses an air jet to propel the yarn through the shed at very high speeds.

Alpaca: The hair of the Alpaca sheep or a cotton blend thereof, used in suits, dresses and coat pilings.

Angora: The hair of the Angora goat or Angora rabbit. Rabbit hair must be described by law as Angora rabbit hair.

Anidex Fiber: A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long-chain synthetic polymer composed at least 50% by weight of one or more esters of a monohydric alcohol and acrylic acid.

APAC: Asia Pacific Advisory Committee. A multicountry committee representing the Asia and Pacific region.

Aramid Fiber: A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long-chain synthetic polyamide in which at least 85% of the amide (-CONH-) linkages are attached directly between two aromatic rings.

Art Linen: A plain-weave linen often used for needle work.

ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations. A regional economic development association established in 1967 by five original member countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei joined on 8 January 1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Laos and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999. Azlon Fiber: A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is composed of any regenerated, naturally occurring protein.

Baby Boomer: Generally refers to people born in the U.S. and Western Europe from 1946 to 1964. In the U.S., the initial number of Baby Boomers totaled about 78 million. The term evolved to include the children of soldiers and war industry workers who were involved in World War II.

Backed Fabric: A fabric that has an extra warp or filling for weight or warmth. The most common backing fabrics are satin and twill.

Bale: A tightly wrapped bundle of unfinished material, usually cotton. The industry standard for cotton bales is 480 lb.

Basketweave: A plain weave with two or more warp and filling threads interwoven in a basket-like pattern.

BPO: See “Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).”

Branding: A marketing strategy that places a focus on the brand name of a product, service or firm in order to increase the brand’s market share, increase sales, establish credibility, improve satisfaction, raise the profile of the firm and increase profits.

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