by Danielle Griffiths

Introduction 7
Chapter 1 What Is a Fashion Stylist? 8
What Does a Fashion Stylist Do? | The Qualities of a Fashion Stylist |
Areas in Which a Fashion Stylist Can Work | Who Are You Working For?
Insider interview: Newheart Ohanian, Stylist
Chapter 2 The Fashion Stylist’s Job 24
Receiving a Job Offer | Brief Timeline of a Typical Job | Following a Brief |
Prep | Pre-Production Meeting (PPM) | Call Sheets | Working with PRs |
Fittings | The Shoot | Credits
Insider interview: Siim Kohv, PR and Marketing Director
Chapter 3 Your Way In 60
Qualifi cations and Courses | Work Experience and Internships |
Moving up to Assisting Work | Other Ways In
Insider interviews: Ursula Lake, Fashion Director, Art Director, and Brand Consultant
Dawn Macleod, Production Manager
Chapter 4 The Assistant 76
Getting Your Foot in the Door | What a Stylist Expects from You
Insider interview: Miss Molly, Stylist
Chapter 5 The Fashion Industry 86
Fashion Seasons and Collections | Getting into the Shows | Press Days | Trends
Insider interview: Liz Linkleter, Global PR Manager
Chapter 6 Testing 100
Why Must You Test? | Meeting Photographers | Recruiting the Team: What to Look For |
Selecting Models | Sourcing Clothes for Test Shoots | Research and Ideas |
Practicalities | Editing and Selecting Prints | Submitting Work to Magazines
Insider interviews: Petra Storrs, Art Director and Set Designer
Ian Harrison, Fashion and Portrait Photographer
Michael Salac, PR Director
Chapter 7 Building Your Portfolio 120
The Book | Collecting, Printing, and Sending images | Selecting Images for Your Book |
What the Professionals Are Looking For | Presenting Images in Your Book |
Digital Portfolios | Building a Website
Insider interviews: Sally Hughes, Producer
Liz Sheppard, Creative Director
Chapter 8 Building Your Contacts 134
Making Contacts | Calling Contacts | Meeting Contacts
Insider interview: Bel January, Senior Creative Producer
Chapter 9 Running Your Business 144
Setting Yourself up as Self-Employed | Negotiating Your Fee | Working Out a Budget |
Confi rming a Job | Invoicing | Knowing Your Rights | Insurance
Insider interviews: Gail Arnold, Accountant
Don Rouse, Style Writer and Public Relations
Chapter 10 Tools and Tricks of the Trade 164
The Stylist’s Kit | Styling Tips, Techniques, and Quick Fixes |
Tips for Styling Menswear | Taking Measurements
Resources 190
Glossary 200
Index 203
Picture Credits 206
Acknowledgments 208
A magazine shoot; a catwalk show; an advertising campaign. The images presented to the world by the global fashion industry appear seamless and effortless, conveying beauty and aspiration. In fact, though, what you are seeing is the culmination of a long and complex process. The hard work has already been done, behind the scenes, by a team of artists, at the heart of which is a fashion stylist.
The aim of this handbook is to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step insider’s guide to working as a fashion stylist, a fast-paced and fascinating area of the fashion industry. It came about after I encountered in my work as a stylist one too many assistants who didn’t know enough about the industry they were entering. This was through no fault of their own, but rather because of a lack of accessible information. With the focus on “how to be a stylist,” rather than “how to style,” this book answers the many questions someone starting out in a styling career may have: How do you get into the fashion styling industry?
How do you make the right contacts? What is the role of an assistant? How do you source clothes for a shoot? How do you invoice your clients? The fi rst two chapters look at the stylist’s role, the different areas of fashion styling, and the practical processes involved in undertaking a job, from initial offer to shoot. Chapters 3 and 4 explore ways into the business and the role of the assistant, covering everything you need to know to get your fi rst break (and survive the aftermath!). After an overview of the fashion industry in Chapter 5, with its shows and seasons, the subsequent chapters look in detail at testing, creating your portfolio, meeting contacts, and starting your business. Finally, the last chapter provides a useful resource of insider tips and practical information for easy reference.
Included are behind-the-scenes shots and insider interviews with top stylists and key industry professionals such as PR agents who work alongside them, offering insights and advice gleaned from years of experience working on jobs. Everything you need to know about styling is divulged in this book, opening up a closed world and giving you a head start in pursuing one of the most popular and aspirational careers in fashion.