Organizational Behaviour, Canadian Edition PDF by Mitchell J. Neubert, Bruno Dyck, Mary J. Waller and Thomas Medcof


Organizational Behaviour, Canadian Edition

By Mitchell J. Neubert, Bruno Dyck, Mary J. Waller and Thomas Medcof

Organizational Behaviour Canadian edition


Preface xi

■Chapter-1■ Putting People First 2

OPENING CASE: Creating an UnparaUel,ed Customer

Experience 4

Why Study Organizational Behaviour? 5

What Is Effective Organizational Behaviour?

Two Approaches 6

■ My OB: Does Money Buy Happiness? 7

Description of Two Approaches 7

Implications of the Two Approaches 9

■ My OB: The Bottom Line(s) about Effectiveness 9

■ OB in Action: The Importance of

Critical Thinking 10

Organizational Behaviour and Management 11

Planning 11

■ OB in Action: Moonshots for Management 2.0 12

Organizing 12

Leading 12

Controlling 13

What You Will Explore in This Book 13

CLOSING CASE: The Forest and the Trees at Timberland 15

Summary 16

Key Terms 16

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 16


Self-Assessment Exercise: Are You Ready for this Adventure

in learning? 17

Self-Assessment Exercise: What Is Your View of Effective

Leadership? 17

Ethics Scenario 18

Discussion Starter: Is it the People, or the Place? 18

Application Journal 19

■Chapter-2:  Exploring the Landscape

ofOB 20

OPENING CASE: Finding Strength in Community 22

A Brief History of OB 23

The Scientific Management Era (1910 to 1930) 24

The Human Relations Era ( 1930 to 1950) 25

The Systems Era (1950 to 1970) 26

The Beliefs Era ( 1970 to 1990) 26

The Sustainability Era ( 1990 to present) 2 7

OB as a Science 28

■ OB in Action: Hungry for Evidence 29

Stakeholder Relationships 30

■ OB in Action: Growing with Your Suppliers and

Competitors 33

Global Environment 34

CLOSING CASE: The Bittersweet Story of Chocolate 38

Summary 40

KeyTerms 40

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 40


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Are Your Views on the Natural

Environment? 41

Ethics Scenario 41

Discussion Starter: Cultural Comparisons 42

Discussion Starter: A Case of Unusual Collaboration 42

Application Journal 42

■Chapter-3■ Understanding Indi\iidual

Attributes 44

OPENING CASE: Understanding Angela Samuels 46

Diversity and Surface Characteristics 4 7

■ My OB: Do Generational Differences Make a

Difference? 49

Abilities and Personality 50

Abilities 5 0

Personality 50

■ OB in Action: Employee Candidacy Tests 51

Core Self-Evaluations 53

■ My OB: Humility or Hard Work? 55

Beliefs and Values 55

Beliefs 56

Values 56

■ OB in Action: Political Values and Geographic

Differences 59

CLOSING CASE: Life in the Fast Lane- Elon Musk 60

Summary 61

Key Terms 61

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 62


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Is Your Myers-Briggs Type? 62

Self-Assessment Exercise: What Are Your Values? 63

Ethics Scenario 65

Discussion Starter: Personalities on 65

Application Journal 65

■Chapter-4■ Considering Individual

States 66

OPENING CASE: Jack Dorsey 68

Ethics 69

Individual Characteristics Affecting Ethical Behaviour 70

Organizational Characteristics Affecting Ethical

Behaviour 7 3

■ OB in Action: Business Ethics and Personal Standards

of Honesty 75

Attitudes and Commitments 75

Attitudes 75

■ My OB: What Makes a Job Satisfying? 77

Commitments 77

Perceptions 78

■ OB in Action: Deceptive First Impressions 81

Emotions 81

■ My OB: When Managing Emotions Matters 83

CLOSING CASE: The Power of the Powerless 84

Summary 85

Key Terms 85

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 86


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Is Your Emotional

Intelligence? 86

Self-Assessment Exercise: How Do You Act When No One

Is Looking? 87

Ethics Scenario 87

Discussion Starter: YouTuhing Ethical Challenges 88

Discussion Starter: Reflections from a U.S. Woman Working

in a Filipino Garment Factory 88

Application Journal 89

■Chapter-5: Motivating Individuals 90

OPENING CASE: Brewing Motivation at Starbucks 92

■ My OB: Understanding Motivation Inside-Out 93

Innate Needs 94

Desire for Achievement 97

Goal-Setting Theory 97

■ OB in Action: Olympic-Sized Aspirations 98

■ OB in Action: Changing Vice to Virtuous Goals 101

Expectancy Theory 101

■ My OB: Is Your Motivation Intrinsic or Extrinsic? 103

Desire for Fairness 104

Desire for Affiliation 106

Desire for Power 107

CLOSING CASE: Indigo Bookmarked Values 108

Summary 109

Key Terms 109

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 109


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Is Your Approach

to Motivation? 11 o

Ethics Scenario 110

Discussion Starter: SMART2 Goals Activity 111

Discussion Starter: Desire for Achievement Activity 111

Application Journal 111

■Chapter-6: Making Decisions 112

OPENING CASE: Recalling a Classic Example of Decision

Making 114

Step 1: Identify the Need for a Decision 115

■ My OB: Neuroscience and Decision Making 116

Step 2: Develop Alternative Responses 11 7

Step 3: Choose the Appropriate Alternative 119

Goal Consensus 119

Available Knowledge 120

■ My OB: Networks That Promote Sustainable OB

Decision Making 123

■ OB in Action: How Do Managers Actually Make Ethical

Decisions? 124

Step 4: Implement the Choice 125

■ OB in Action: Culture and the Decision making

Process 127

CLOSING CASE: How Decisions Can Lead to a

$7 Billion Loss 130

Summary 131

Key Terms 131

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 131


Self-Assessment Exercise: How Courageous Are You

in Making Decisions? 132

Self-Assessment Exercise: What Is Your Cognitive Style

in Making Decisions? 132

Ethics Scenario 133

Discussion Starter: Ethics, Profits, and People 133

Discussion Starter: Factors That Influence the Quc11ity

of Decision Making 134

Application Journal 135

■Chapter-7: Leading Self 136

OPENING CASE: Following a Different Voice 138

Authentic Leadership 139

Knowing Self 141

■ My OB: How Real Is Reality TV? 143

Living Intentionally 144

■ OB in Action: Conrad Black in the Red 144

Managing Stress and Roles 14 7

Workplace Stress 14 7

Role Conflict 148

Dealing with Stress 14 9

■ OB in Action: Is First Really the Worst? 149

■ OB in Action: Give Me a Break 151

Acting Creatively 151

The Creative Process 152

Characteristics of Creative Individuals 152

Improving Creativity in Organizations 153

CLOSING CASE: Getting Paid to Have Fun 154

Summary 156

Key Terms 156

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 156


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Are Your Self,l!!adership

Behaviours? 157

Ethics Scenario 158

Discussion Starter: Debate: To Be or Not to Be

Responsible 158

Discussion Starter: Authentic Leadership 158

Application Journal 159

■Chapter-8:  Understanding Relationships 160

OPENING CASE: Conrad Black Guilty of Fraud 162

Politics and Self-Interest 163

■ My OB: Machiavellianism in the

Workplace 164

Trust 165

■ OB in Action: Keeping a Lid on Layoffs 167

■ My OB: Fair or Foul 170

Fairness 170

Negotiation 172

Influence Tactics 172

Approaches to Negotiation 1 7 3

■ My OB: How Skilled Are You at Understanding

Others? 176

Conflict Styles 177

CLOSING CASE: Transformational Relationships at Tata 179

Summary 180

Key Terms 180

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 180


Self-Assessment Exercise: How Do You React to People

Who Act or Think Differently? 181

Self-Assessment Exercise: What Is Your Style in Dealing

with Conflict? 181

Ethics Scenario 182

Discussion Starter: Trust Bank Activity 183

Discussion Starter: Norton Manufacturing 183

Application Journal 183

■ Chapter-9■ Leading Others 184

OPENING CASE: Creating Happiness: Passion and Purpose

at G Adventures 186

Leadership Traits 188

■ OB in Action: Rock Star Businessman 189

■ My OB: All for One or One for All? 190

Leadership Behaviour 191

Dimensions of Leadership Behaviour 192

The Leadership Grid 192

■ My OB: Gender and Leadership-Does One Size

FitAll? 194

Servant Leadership 194

Contingency Theories 195

Fiedler’s Contingency Theory 195

House’s Path-Goal Theory 196

Leader-Member Exchange 197

Integrative Models 198

Situational Leadership Models 198

Integrated Conventional Leadership Model 199

Integrated Sustainable Leadership Model 201

■ OB in Action: “Krafting” a New Culture of

Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Spirit 204

CLOSING CASE: Sustainable Leadership at Work in the

Philippines 205

Summary 206

Key Terms 206

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 207


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Type of Leader Are You? 207

Ethics Scenario 208

Discussion Starter: Debate: Are Leaders Born or Made? 208

Discussion Starter: What Are the Characteristics of an

Outstanding Leader? 208

Application Journal 209

■Chapter-10:  Leading Groups and

Teams 210

OPENING CASE: Taking West jet to New Heights 212

Groups and Teams 213

Forming 216

■ My OB: What Makes an Effective Student Team? 218

Storming 219

■ OB in Action: Groupthink 222

Norming 223

■ My OB: Stimulating Information Sharing 225

Performing 226

■ OB in Action: Front-Line Management Teams 228

CLOSING CASE: UGO Mindstorms 229

Summary 230

Key Terms 231

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 231


Self-Assessment Exercise: How Do You Lead Teams? 231

Ethics Scenario 232

Discussion Starter: Wilderness Survival 232

Discussion Starter: Avoiding Team Dysfunctions 234

Application Journal 234

■Chapter-11: Communicating with

Purpose 236

OPENING CASE: A Bay Worthy of the 21st Century 238

The Four-Step Communication Process 239

Step 1: Identify Your Message 240

Step 2: Encode and Transmit the Message 242

Identify and Overcome Communication Barriers 242

■ OB in Action: Your Seat at the Table Sends a

Message 243

■ My OB: Communicating across Cultures 244

Choose Communication Media and Channels 244

■ My OB: Impersonally Delivering What Is

Personal 246

■ My OB: Trouble for Organizations When Members

Text and Tweet? 24 7

Step 3: Receive and Decode the Message 248

Step 4: Confirm the Message with Feedback 250

CLOSING CASE: Lessons in Teaching Abroad 253

Summary 254

Key Terms 254

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 255


Self-Assessmen~ Exercise: Where Are You along the

Conventional-Sustainable Continuum? 255

Ethics Scenario 256

Discussion Starter: Communicating Your Interests

and Active Listening 256

Discussion Starter: The Empty Seat 256

Application Journal 257

■chapter-12: Understanding Organizational

Culture and Structure 258

OPENING CASE: The Fundamentals of Organizing

at Semco 260

Basic Assumptions of Organizational Culture 262

■ My OB: What Is the Culture of Your Class? 263

Key Values that Shape Organizational Culture 263

The Competing Values Framework 263

■ OB in Action: Pounding the Rock 265

Artifacts of Organizational Culture 265

Fundamentals of Organizational Structure 266

■ OB in Action: Will a Spoonful of Efficiency Change

the Culture of Starbucks? 269

■ My OB: What Brand of Shoes Are You Wearing? 277

CLOSING CASE: New Ways of Organizing for

New Needs 279

Summary 280

Key Terms 280

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 281


Self-Assessment Exercise: Where Are You along the

Conventional- Sustainable Continuum? 281

Ethics Scenario 282

Discussion Starter: Organizational Assessment 282

Discussion Starter: Chief Sustainability Officers 282

Application Journal 283

■Chapter- 13: Developing Organizational

Culture and Structures 284

OPENING CASE: Managing a Smile Factory 286

Creating an Organizational Culture 287

■ OB in Action: Reddit Revolt 289

Prioritizing a Form of Organizational Culture 290

Clan Organizational Culture 290

Hierarchy Organizational Culture 291

Adhocracy Organizational Culture 291

Market Organizational Culture 292

■ My OB: Culture at Your Workplace 292

Aligning Organizational Culture with Structure,

Technology, and Strategy 293

Organizational Structure 294

■ OB in Action: Organizational Structure in the Global Marketplace 296

Technology 296

Strategy 297

■ OB in Action: Mission-Driven Organizations 298

Combining the Pieces to Make Four

Organizational Types 299

The Simple Type 300

The Defender Type 300

■ OB in Action: Open-Source Philosophy at Tesla Motors

Advances Industry 301

The Prospector Type 301

The Analyzer Type 302

CLOSING CASE: About Face at Interface 303

Summary 304

Key Terms 305

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 305


Self-Assessment Exercise: Where Are You along the

Conventional- Sustainable Continuum? 305

Ethics Scenario 306

Discussion Starter: Introducing Sustainable Culture and

Structures in the Classroom 306

Discussion Starter: Design for a Soup Kitchen 306

Application Journal 307

■Chapter -14: Motivating with Systems 308

OPENING CASE: High-Tech Loyalty at SAS Institute 310

Job Design 312

■ My OB: Was Your Big Mac a Big Mistake? 314

Performance Management 314

■ OB in Action: Where Is the Motivation? 316

Performance Appraisal 316

■ My OB: Is Rank-and-Yank an Effective Motivational

Method? 319

Compensation 319

Training and Development 321

Training 322

Career Development 323

■ OB in Action: Whataburger, Whatacompany 323

Mission and Vision 325

■ OB in Action: Kasasa against the World 327

CLOSING CASE: People, the Planet, and Profits at Herman

Miller 328

Summary 329

Key Terms 330

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 330


Self-Assessment Exercise: Diagnosing Your Job 330

Self-Assessment Exercise: Personal Career SWOT Analysis 332

Ethics Scenario 332

Discussion Starter: Interview a Business Owner or Manager 332

Discussion Starter: Advertising a Mission (Group activity) 332

Application Journal 333

■chapter-15: Leading Organizational

Change 334

OPENING CASE: Learning/ram the journey 336

Organizational Change 337

■ OB in Action: Delivering Change 339

Step 1: Recognize Need 340

Step 2: Unfreeze 341

■ OB in Action: Diverging Thoughts at Harvard 342

■ OB in Action: Managing the Morning after the

Merger 344

Step 3: Change 345

■ My OB: How Does Change Make You Feel? 346

Members ‘ Confidence in Organizational Leaders 347

Members’ Confidence in Their Own Ability 348

Members’ Attitudes toward the Change 349

Step 4: Refreeze 350

■ OB in Action: TOMS Walks the Talk 351

CLOSING CASE: Calming the Waters 353

Summary 354

Key Terms 354

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 354


Self-Assessment Exercise: How Do You Cope with Change? 355

Self-Assessment Exercise: Where Are You along the

Change Continuum? 355

Ethics Scenario 356

Discussion Starter: Balls of Fun 356

Discussion Starter: Engineering Change in Bangladesh 357

Application Journal 357

■Chapter-16: Creating Organizations 358

OPENING CASE: One Person’s Trash is Another Person ‘s

Treasure 360

Identify Opportunity 363

Take Initiative 364

■ My OB: When a Hobby Becomes a New

Venture 366

■ OB in Action: From Failure to Fame 368

Develop Plans 368

■ OB in Action: Gourmet Just Got Better 371

Mobilize Resources 372

■ OB in Action: Can Entrepreneurs Take

the Heat? 373

CLOSING CASE: Googling Googw 375

Summary 376

Key Terms 377

Questions for Reflection and Discussion 377


Self-Assessment Exercise: What Kind of Entrepreneur

Might You Be? 377

Ethics Scenario 378

Discussion Starter: lntrapreneurship in Academia 378

Discussion Starter: U2 Can Be a Social Entrepreneur 378

Application Journal 379

Glossary A-1

Endnotes A-11

Name Index A-61

Organization Index A-67

Subject Index A-73

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