Ethics And Law For School Psychologists, 8th Edition PDF by Susan Jacob, Dawn M. Decker, Elizabeth Timmerman Lugg and Elena Diamond


Ethics And Law For School Psychologists, Eighth Edition

By Susan Jacob, Dawn M. Decker, Elizabeth Timmerman Lugg and Elena Diamond

Ethics And Law For School Psychologists, Eighth Edition


Preface xi

What’s in the Book xi

What’s Not in the Book xii

Eighth Edition Revisions xii

Disclaimers xiii

New Authors xiv

Cast of Characters xiv

Acknowledgments xvi

About the Companion Website xvii

Chapter 1 Ethics in School Psychology: An Introduction 1

Quality Control in School Psychology 1

What and Why of Professional Ethics 2

Ethics Training and Competencies 4

Codes of Ethics 8

Four Broad Ethical Principles 12

Ethical and Legal Decision Making 23

Unethical Conduct 29

Concluding Comments 32

Study and Discussion 32

Chapter 2 Law and School Psychology: An Introduction 35

The U.S. Constitution 35

Statutes and Regulations 43

Case Law 48

Summary 49

Legal Training for School Psychologists 49

Credentialing of School Psychologists 51

Lawsuits against Schools and School Psychologists 52

Concluding Comments 57

Study and Discussion 57

Chapter 3 Privacy, Informed Consent, Confidentiality, and Record Keeping 58

Privacy 58

Informed Consent to Establish a School Psychologist– Client Relationship 62

Confidentiality 68

Nondisclosure Laws and Privileged Communication 73

Record Keeping in the Schools 78

Digital Record Keeping, Digital Communication, and Telepsychology Services 93

Concluding Comments 96

Study and Discussion 96

Chapter 4 Ethical-Legal Issues in the Education of Students with Disabilities under IDEA 99

Education of Children with Disabilities: A Historical Perspective 99

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 102

Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities 143

Concluding Comments 147

Study and Discussion 147

Chapter 5 Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act 149

Section 504 149

Americans with Disabilities Act 162

Concluding Comments 165

Study and Discussion 165

Chapter 6 Ethical and Legal Issues in Psychoeducational Assessment 167

Testing versus Assessment 167

Preassessment Responsibilities 168

Assessment Planning 172

Information Gathering 179

Assessment Interpretation 180

Nondiscriminatory Assessment 184

Personality Assessment 188

Professional Competence and Autonomy 189

Computer-Assisted and Remote Psychoeducational Assessment 190

Concluding Comments 193

Study and Discussion 193

Chapter 7 Ethical and Legal Issues in School-Based Interventions 195

Multitiered Systems of Academic and Behavioral Support 195

Therapeutic Interventions within the Context of a School

Psychologist–Client Relationship 204

Duty to Protect 206

Competence and Responsibility 217

Psychopharmacologic Interventions 219

Concluding Comments 221

Study and Discussion 221

Chapter 8 Indirect Services I: Ethical-Legal Issues in

Working with Teachers and Parents 225

Consultation with Teachers 225

Special Issues in Working with Parents 230

Teleconsultation 238

Concluding Comments 239

Study and Discussion 240

Chapter 9 Indirect Services II: Special Topics in

Systems-Level Consultation 242

Large-Scale Assessment Programs 243

Instructional Programs, Policies, and Practices 246

School Discipline 251

Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying 258

Concluding Comments 264

Study and Discussion 264

Chapter 10 Research in the Schools: Ethical and Legal Issues 266

Competence, Responsibility, and Welfare of Participants 267

Informed Consent and Privacy 268

Minimal Risk Research in Schools 272

Stress, Harm, and Denial of Beneficial Treatment 274

Concealment and Deception 275

Post-Data-Collection Responsibilities 277

Confidentiality of Data 277

Equity in Research 279

Scientific Misconduct 281

Concluding Comments 282

Study and Discussion 282

Chapter 11 Ethical and Legal Issues in Supervision 284

Professional Standards for Supervision 285

Professional Disclosure Statement and Individualized Learning Plan 285

Ethical Principles and Supervision 286

Telesupervision 294

Liability Issues 297

Concluding Comments 297

Study and Discussion 297

Chapter 12 Ethics, Law, and Advocacy 299

Advocacy and the Challenge of Administrative Pressure 301

Managing Administrative Pressure to Practice Unethically 304

Advocacy and a Complex Legal Landscape 306

Strategies for Becoming an Effective Advocate 309

Appendix A Principles For Professional Ethics 312

Appendix B Ethical Principles Of Psychologists And Code Of Conduct 336

Appendix C Table Of Cases 365

Appendix D Table Of Federal Legislation 370

Appendix E Frequently Used Acronyms 372

References 374

Author Index 406

Subject Index 415

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