Fashion Artist – Drawing Techniques to Portfolio Presentation has been designed as a self- teaching book both for the novice and those who wish to enhance their drawing and design skills, and communicate their designs ideas on paper as part of the design process. Fashion Artist progressively guides you through a comprehensive set of fashion drawing and presentation techniques, an integral part of this is the development of several popular fashion poses which become your fashion templates. Starting with very basic shapes and figure drawings, you will quickly progress along the learning curve to produce visually exciting illustrations and a professional fashion design portfolio – the passport to your career. The text is supported with explanatory drawings and photographs to clearly demonstrate the drawing techniques, together with plenty of drawing exercises and examples from designers and illustrators around the world.
In writing this book I have combined my career in the fashion and manufacturing industry along with my lecturing and educational experience — each discipline supporting the other. The result is a combination of the educational requirements of fashion degree programmes with the practical application of drawing and design techniques used internationally in the fashion world.
The fashion industry is a challenging and competitive business, so it is essential to be well equipped with professional drawing skills. The aim of Fashion Artist is to inspire you to develop these drawing skills and communicate your creative and innovative ideas on paper. To be a successful designer you will need to work hard to develop your talent, believe in your own judgement, and have a certain amount of chutzpah! I wish you every success in the world of fashion.
Sandra Burke
M.Des RCA (Master of Design, Royal College of Art)
About book:
Fashion Artist guides you through key fashion drawing and design techniques. Starting with basic figure templates, you quickly progress to produce visually exciting and creative illustrations, which are developed into dynamic presentations and your design portfolio – the passport to your career. Through text, self-explanatory drawings, photographs of the fashion model, together with artwork from international designers and illustrators, this book demonstrates the accepted design standards used in the fashion industry.
Table of contents:
Getting Started; Art Kit; Sketch Books; Oval and Triangle Technique; Fleshing Out; Faces, Hands, Feet; Figure Templates; Drawing from Life; Clothing Design; Fabric Rendering; Design Presentations; Men; Children; Costume Design; Design Portfolio; Glossary; Index.