Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders, 15th Edition by Ann M Kring and Sheri L Johnson


Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders, Fifteenth Edition

By Ann M. Kring and Sheri L. Johnson

Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders, Fifteenth Edition


1 Introduction and Historical Overview… 1

Psychological Disorders and Stigmas… 2

Defining Psychological Disorder… 6

Personal Distress… 7

Disability and Dysfunction… 7

Violation of Social Norms… 8

Early History of Psychopathology… 9

Supernatural Explanations… 9

Early Biological Explanations… 10

The Dark Ages: Back to the Supernatural… 10

Development of Asylums… 11

Historical Antecedents of Contemporary Views… 14

Biological Approaches… 14

Psychological Approaches… 16

Have We Learned From History?… 22

The Mental Health Professions… 24

Summary… 25

2 Current Approaches in Psychopathology… 27

Genetic Influences… 27

Behavior Genetics… 29

Molecular Genetics… 30

Gene-Environment Interactions… 31

Evaluating the Role of Genetic Influences in

Psychopathology… 32

Neuroscience Influences… 34

Neurons and Neurotransmitters… 34

Structure and Function of the Human Brain… 35

The Neuroendocrine System… 36

The Immune System… 38

Neuroscience Approaches to Treatment… 39

Evaluating the Role of Neuroscience Influences in

Psychopathology… 39

Cognitive Behavioral Influences… 40

Influences from Behaviorism… 40

Cognitive Science… 41

The Role of the Unconscious… 42

Cognitive Behavior Therapy… 43

Evaluating the Role of Cognitive Behavioral Influences in

Psychopathology… 43 Socioemotional Influences… 45

The Importance of Emotion… 45

Sociocultural Influences… 46

Interpersonal Influences and the Role of Stress… 47

Evaluating the Role of Socioemotional Influences in

Psychopathology… 50

Summary… 52

3 Diagnosis and Assessment… 54

Cornerstones of Diagnosis and Assessment: Reliability and Validity… 55

Reliability… 55

Validity… 56

Diagnosis… 58

The Diagnostic System of the American Psychiatric

Association: DSM-5… 58

Specific Criticisms of the DSM… 63

General Criticisms of Diagnosing Psychological Disorders… 68

Psychological Assessment… 70

Clinical Interviews… 70

Personality Tests… 73

Cognitive and Neuropsychological Tests… 75

Direct Observation of Behavior… 76

Experience Sampling… 77

Self-Report Questionnaires… 77

Neurobiological Assessment… 79

Brain Imaging: “Seeing” the Brain… 79

Brain Stimulation… 80

Psychophysiological Assessment… 81

Diversity and Assessment… 82

Cultural and Racial Bias in Assessment… 82

Strategies for Avoiding Cultural and Racial Bias in

Assessment… 83

Summary… 84

4 Research Methods in Psychopathology… 86

Science, Theory, and Hypotheses… 87

Research Designs in Psychopathology… 87

The Case Study… 87

The Correlational Method… 88

The Experiment… 95

One Example of Experimental Research: Treatment Outcome

Research… 100

Defining the Treatment Condition… 102

Defining Control Groups… 102

Defining a Sample… 103

Assessing and Implementing Treatments in the Real World… 105

Analogues in Psychopathology Research… 106

Integrating the Findings of Multiple Studies… 108

Replication… 108

Meta-Analysis… 110 Summary… 112

5 Mood Disorders… 114

Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of Depressive

Disorders… 115

Major Depressive Disorder… 116

Persistent Depressive Disorder… 117

Epidemiology and Consequences of Depressive Disorders… 117

Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of Bipolar Disorders… 121

Bipolar I Disorder… 121

Bipolar II Disorder… 122

Cyclothymic Disorder… 122

Epidemiology and Consequences of Bipolar Disorders… 123

Etiology of Mood Disorders… 124

Genetic Influences… 125

Neurotransmitters… 125

Neural Regions Involved in Emotion and Reward Processing… 126

Cortisol Dysregulation… 128

Cytokines… 129

Social Influences on Depression: Childhood Adversity, Life

Events, and Interpersonal Difficulties… 129

Psychological Influences on Depression… 130

Putting It All Together: Integrating Biological and Social

Influences on Depression… 133

Social and Psychological Influences on the Course of Bipolar

Disorder… 134

Treatment of Mood Disorders… 136

Psychological Treatment of Depression… 137

Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder… 140

Biological Treatment of Mood Disorders… 141

Suicide… 144

Epidemiology of Suicide and Suicide Attempts… 145

Risk Factors for Suicide… 147

Preventing Suicide… 148

Summary… 151

6 Anxiety Disorders… 153

Emotions of Anxiety and Fear… 154

Clinical Descriptions of the Anxiety Disorders… 155

Specific Phobias… 156

Social Anxiety Disorder… 158

Panic Disorder… 159

Agoraphobia… 159

Generalized Anxiety Disorder… 160

Comorbidity in Anxiety Disorders… 161

Gender and Cultural Influences on the Anxiety Disorders… 162

Gender… 162

Culture… 162

Common Influences Across the Anxiety Disorders… 163

Fear Conditioning… 164

Genetic Influences… 166

Neurobiological Correlates: Brain Regions and Activity of

Neurotransmitters… 166

Personality: Neuroticism and Behavioral Inhibition… 167

Cognitive Influences… 167

Putting It All Together: Integrating Biological, Behavioral, and

Social Influences… 169 Etiology of Specific Anxiety Disorders… 170

Etiology of Specific Phobias… 170

Etiology of Social Anxiety Disorder… 171

Etiology of Panic Disorder… 173

Etiology of Agoraphobia… 175

Etiology of Generalized Anxiety Disorder… 175

Treatments of the Anxiety Disorders… 177

Commonalities Across Psychological Treatments… 177

Psychological Treatments of Specific Anxiety Disorders… 178

Medications That Reduce Anxiety… 180

Summary… 181

7 Obsessive-Compulsive-Related and Trauma-Related

Disorders… 184

Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of Obsessive-

Compulsive and Related Disorders… 185

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder… 186

Body Dysmorphic Disorder… 188

Hoarding Disorder… 189

Prevalence and Comorbidity of Obsessive-Compulsive and

Related Disorders… 191 Etiology of the Obsessive-

Compulsive and Related Disorders… 192

Etiology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder… 192

Etiology of Body Dysmorphic Disorder… 194

Etiology of Hoarding Disorder… 194

Treatment of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related

Disorders… 195

Medications… 196

Psychological Treatment… 196

Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant OCD… 199

Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic

Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder… 199

Etiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder… 203

Nature of the Trauma: The Severity and Type of Trauma Matter… 203

Neurobiology: The Hippocampus… 204

Coping… 205

Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder… 206

Medication Treatment of PTSD… 206

Psychological Treatment of PTSD… 206

Psychological Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder… 208

Summary… 209

8 Dissociative Disorders and Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders… 211

Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Dissociative Disorders… 212

Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder… 213

Dissociative Amnesia… 214

Dissociative Identity Disorder… 217

The Epidemiology of Dissociative Disorders: Increases Over Time… 218

Etiology of Dissociative Disorders… 219

Etiology of Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder… 219

Etiology of Dissociative Identity Disorder… 219

Treatment of Dissociative Disorders… 222

Clinical Description of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders… 222

Clinical Description of Somatic Symptom Disorder… 224

Clinical Description of Illness Anxiety Disorder… 225

Clinical Description of Conversion Disorder… 225

Etiology of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders… 228

Neurobiological Factors That Increase Awareness of and

Distress Over Somatic Symptoms… 229

Cognitive Behavioral Factors That Increase Awareness of and

Distress Over Somatic Symptoms… 230

Etiology of Conversion Disorder… 231

Treatment of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders… 233

Somatic Symptom Disorder and Illness Anxiety Disorder… 233

Conversion Disorder… 235

Summary… 236

9 Schizophrenia… 238

Clinical Descriptions of Schizophrenia… 239

Positive Symptoms… 240

Negative Symptoms… 241

Disorganized Symptoms….242

Other Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders… 244

Etiology of Schizophrenia… 246

Genetic Influences… 247

The Role of Neurotransmitters… 251

Connectivity in the Brain… 253

Environmental Factors Influencing the Developing Brain… 254

Psychological Influences… 255

Developmental Factors… 258

Treatment of Schizophrenia… 260

Medications… 260

Psychological Treatments… 264

Summary… 268

10 Substance Use Disorders… 270

Overview: Substance Use by the Numbers… 270

Clinical Descriptions: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana Use Disorders… 273

Alcohol Use Disorder… 273

Tobacco Use Disorder… 277

Marijuana… 280

Clinical Descriptions: Opioid, Stimulant, and Other Drug Use Disorders… 284

Opioids… 284

Stimulants… 287

Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, and PCP… 289

Etiology of Substance Use Disorders… 292

Genetic Influences… 292

Neurobiological Influences… 293

Psychological Influences… 296

Sociocultural Influences… 299

Treatment of Substance Use Disorders… 301

Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder… 302

Treatments for Smoking… 304

Treatment of Drug Use Disorders… 306

Prevention of Substance Use Disorders… 310

Summary… 311

11 Eating Disorders… 313

Clinical Descriptions of Eating Disorders… 314

Anorexia Nervosa… 314

Bulimia Nervosa… 318

Binge Eating Disorder… 319

Etiology of Eating Disorders… 324

Genetic Influences… 324

Neurobiological Influences… 324

Cognitive Behavioral and Emotion Influences… 326

Sociocultural Influences… 328

Other Influences Contributing to the Etiology of Eating Disorders… 332

Treatment of Eating Disorders… 334

Medications… 334

Psychological Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa… 334

Psychological Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa… 335

Psychological Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder… 336

Preventive Interventions for Eating Disorders… 337

Summary… 338

12 Sexual Disorders… 339

Sexual Norms and Behavior… 340

Research Methods in the Study of Sexuality… 342

Gender and Sexuality… 342

Clinical Descriptions of Sexual Dysfunctions… 344

Disorders Involving Sexual Interest, Desire, and Arousal… 346

Orgasmic Disorders… 347

Sexual Pain Disorder… 349

Etiology of Sexual Dysfunctions… 350

Biological Influences… 350

Psychosocial Influences… 351

Putting It All Together: Integrating Biological and

Psychosocial Influences on Sexual Dysfunction… 352

Treatments of Sexual Dysfunctions… 353

Psychoeducation… 354

Couples Therapy… 354

Cognitive Interventions… 354

Sensate Focus… 354

Treatments for Specific Sexual Dysfunctions… 355

Clinical Descriptions of the Paraphilic Disorders… 356

Pedophilic Disorder and Incest… 358

Voyeuristic Disorder… 359

Exhibitionistic Disorder… 359

Frotteuristic Disorder… 360

Sexual Sadism and Masochism Disorders… 360

Etiology of the Paraphilic Disorders… 361

Neurobiological Influences… 362

Childhood Sexual Abuse… 362

Psychological Influences… 362

Treatments and Community Prevention for the Paraphilic Disorders… 364

Strategies to Enhance Motivation… 365

Cognitive Behavioral Treatment… 365

Biological Treatments… 365

Prevention… 366

Balancing Efforts to Protect the Public Against the Civil

Liberties of Those with Paraphilias… 366

Summary… 367

13 Disorders of Childhood… 369

Classification and Diagnosis of Childhood Disorders… 370

Externalizing Disorders: ADHD and Conduct Disorder… 371

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder… 371

Conduct Disorder… 377

Internalizing Disorders: Depression and Anxiety Disorders… 385

Depression… 386

Anxiety… 390

Specific Learning Disorder and Intellectual Disability… 394

Dyslexia: A Type of Specific Learning Disorder… 394

Intellectual Disability… 396

Autism Spectrum Disorder… 400

Clinical Descriptions, Prevalence, and Prognosis of Autism

Spectrum Disorder… 400

Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder… 404

Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder… 406

Summary… 407

14 Late Life and Neurocognitive Disorders… 409

Aging: Myths, Problems, and Methods… 410

Myths About Late Life… 411

The Problems Experienced in Late Life… 412

Research Methods in the Study of Aging… 412

Psychological Disorders in Late Life… 414

Prevalence Estimates of Psychological Disorders in Late Life… 415

Methodological Issues in Estimating the Prevalence of Psychopathology… 416

Treatment… 416

Dementia… 417

Alzheimer’s Disease… 419

Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia… 423

Vascular Dementia… 424

Dementia with Lewy Bodies… 424

Huntington’s Disease… 425

Treatments for Dementia… 425

Delirium… 428

Etiology of Delirium… 430

Treatment of Delirium… 430

Summary… 431

15 Personality Disorders… 433

The DSM-5 Approach to Classification… 435

Problems with the DSM-5 Approach to Personality Disorders… 436

Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders… 438

Common Risk Factors Across the Personality Disorders… 440

Clinical Description and Etiology of the Odd/Eccentric Cluster… 442

Schizotypal Personality Disorder… 442

Clinical Description and Etiology of the Dramatic/Erratic Cluster… 444

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy… 445

Borderline Personality Disorder… 448

Narcissistic Personality Disorder… 451

Clinical Description and Etiology of the Anxious/Fearful Cluster… 454

Avoidant Personality Disorder… 454

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder… 455

Treatment of Personality Disorders… 457

Treatment of Schizotypal Personality Disorder and Avoidant

Personality Disorder… 458

Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder… 458

Summary… 460

16 Legal and Ethical Issues… 462

Criminal Commitment… 463

The Insanity Defense… 464

Current Insanity Pleas… 467

Competency to Stand Trial… 469

Insanity, Intellectual Disability, and Capital Punishment… 474

Civil Commitment… 475

Preventive Detention and Problems in the Prediction of

Dangerousness… 476

Protection of the Rights of People with Psychological

Disorders… 479

Ethical Dilemmas in Therapy and Research… 484

Ethical Restraints on Research… 484

Informed Consent… 486

Confidentiality and Privileged Communication… 487

Summary… 487

Appendix: Dsm-5 Diagnoses… A-L

Glossary / References / Name Index /

Subject Index

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