Drug Use and Misuse, 9th Edition PDF by Stephen A Maisto, Mark Galizio, and Gerard J Connors


Drug Use and Misuse, 9th Edition

By Stephen A. Maisto, Mark Galizio, and Gerard J. Connors

Drug Use and Misuse, 9th Edition


Preface xiv


Drug Use and Misuse 3

Pharmacology and Drugs 5

Drug classification 6

The drug experience 7

Alcohol and Drug Use in the United States 8

national survey on drug Use and health 9

Multiple drug Use 11

International comparisons of drug Use 12

negative consequences of alcohol and drug Use 14

Defining Harmful Drug Use 15

Use of the DSM 15

Drug tolerance, Withdrawal, and

Drug-taking Behavior 18

Overview of the Text 21

Evaluating Websites 21

Summary 23


Drug Use Yesterday and

Today 27

Historical Overview 28

Drug Use in the United states 29

Medical science and drug Use 34

Development of Drug Laws 35

the san francisco ordinance 36

Pure food and drug act 37

harrison narcotics tax act 37

Alcohol Prohibition 38

Post-Prohibition legislation 39

Current Drug Laws 40

Summary 46


Drugs and the Nervous

System 51

The neuron 52

neural Transmission 53

Drugs and neural Transmission 56

Major neurotransmitter Systems 59

acetylcholine 59

Monoamines 60

endorphins 62

Amino acid neurotransmitters 63

Other neurotransmitters 63

The nervous System 63

The Brain 65

The hindbrain 65

The Midbrain 66

The forebrain 67

Imaging the human Brain 69

Summary 71


Pharmacology 75

Pharmacokinetics and Drug

Dose 77

drug dose 77

routes of administration 78

drug absorption 82

drug distribution 85

Conclusion 89

Pharmacodynamics 91

The dose-effect curve 91

Effective and lethal doses 94

Drug Interactions 96

Summary 99


Psychopharmacology and New Drug

Development 103

Factors influencing Drug Effects 104

Biological factors 105

Psychological factors 106

Social and Environmental

Factors 109

Tolerance 109

types of tolerance 110

explanations of tolerance 111

Behavioral Pharmacology 114

reinforcement and Punishment 115

operant Principles and drug

dependence 116

drug discrimination 117

conflict Paradigm 118

Animal Models and Human Drug

Use 119

Human Behavioral Pharmacology 120

ethical Questions 120

Placebo controls 120

new Drug Development 122

clinical trials and fda approval 123

distribution and Marketing 124

Generic drugs 125

Summary 127


Cocaine, Amphetamines,

and Related

Stimulants 131

The Coca Leaf 132

Early Use of Cocaine 134

The Amphetamines 136

Cocaine Epidemic ii 137

The Return of Meth 142

Bath Salts 144

Pharmacokinetics of Stimulants 146

Mechanism of Stimulant Action 146

Acute Effects at Low and Moderate

Doses 148

Physiological effects 148

Behavioral effects 149

Acute Effects at High Doses 150

Effects of Chronic Use 150

tolerance 151

dependence 152

Stimulant Drugs and ADHD 153

Summary 156


Nicotine 159

History of Tobacco Use 161

the West discovers tobacco 161

tobacco as Panacea 162

from Panacea to Panned 162

Prevalence of Tobacco Use 163

smoking in the United states 163

Initiation of smoking 165

smokeless tobacco Use 166

Pharmacology of nicotine 167

sites of action 167

Pharmacokinetics 168

distribution 168

Metabolism and excretion 169

Tolerance and Dependence 170

tolerance 170

Physical dependence 171

Acute Effects of nicotine 171

nicotine’s dependence liability 173

Effects of Chronic Tobacco Use 173

tar, nicotine, and carbon Monoxide 175

diseases linked to cigarette

smoking 176

other tobacco Products and health 177

Passive smoking 178

Treatment of Cigarette Smoking 179

the necessity of formal treatment 180

treatment effectiveness 181

conclusions about the treatment of

cigarette smoking 183

Summary 186


Caffeine 191

Sources of Caffeine 192

History of Caffeine Use 194

Prevalence of Caffeine

Consumption 195

Pharmacology of Caffeine 198

Mechanism of action 198

Pharmacokinetics 199

Tolerance and Dependence 200

tolerance 200

caffeine Withdrawal 200

Acute Effects of Caffeine 201

Behavioral and Psychological

effects 201

Interactions among caffeine,

nicotine, and alcohol 202

acute toxic effects of caffeine 206

Chronic Effects of Caffeine Use 207

Therapeutic Uses of Caffeine 210

Conclusions 210

Summary 211


Alcohol 215

Alcoholic Beverages 216

fermentation and distillation 216

expressing the alcohol content of a

Beverage 217

History of Alcohol Use 219

Consumption of Alcohol and

Heavy Drinking in the United States 221

Per capita consumption 222

consumption of alcohol among college students 224

Pharmacology of Alcohol 226

Mechanism of action 226

Pharmacokinetics of alcohol 227

Tolerance and Dependence 231

Tolerance 231

Physical dependence 232

Therapeutic Uses 232

Acute Effects of Alcohol 233

Physiological effects 233

sensorimotor effects 236

Alcohol and driving ability 236

Psychological effects 239

alcohol and Behavior 239

Effects of Chronic Heavy Drinking 243

Alcohol and Brain functioning 246

Alcohol and the liver 247

alcohol and reproductive functioning 248

fetal alcohol syndrome 248

Moderate drinking and health 250

The Development of Alcohol

Use Disorder 252

traditional approaches to etiology 252

“Biopsychosocial” approaches to etiology 254

Summary 256


Opiates 261

History of the Opiates 262

early history 263

opiate Use in the 19th century 263

opiate Use after the harrison act 265

the Making of an epidemic 269

the opiate epidemic 270

Pharmacokinetics 272

absorption 272

distribution, Metabolism, and

excretion 272

Mechanisms of Opiate Action 273

discovery of endorphins 273

What do endorphins do? 274

Medical Use of Opiate Drugs 275

Acute Psychological and

Physiological Effects of Opiates 277

Chronic Effects of Opiates 278

tolerance 279

Withdrawal and dependence 280

Summary 281


Marijuana 285

Historical Overview 287

cannabis in the americas 288

committee reports on Marijuana 291

Epidemiology 292

Methods of Use 295

Active ingredients 297

Potency of cannabis 297

Pharmacokinetics 297

absorption 298

distribution, Metabolism, and

excretion 298

Mechanisms of Action 299

research findings 299

tolerance and dependence 300

Medical and Psychotherapeutic

Uses 301

history of therapeutic Use 301

current status of Medical Uses of

Marijuana 303

Physiological Effects 305

acute effects 305

longer-term effects 305

Psychological Effects 308

Behavioral effects 308

cognitive effects 309

emotional effects 310

social and environmental effects 311

Summary 313


Hallucinogens 317

Overview 318

Serotonergic Hallucinogens: LSD and

Related Compounds 320

Early history 320

Recent history 323

Mechanisms of action of lsd-like drugs 326

Pharmacokinetics of lsd-like drugs 327

Psychotherapeutic Uses 328

Effects of serotonergic hallucinogens 329

Adverse effects of serotonergic

Hallucinogens 330

Methylated Amphetamines 333

Overview 333

History and epidemiology 334

Effects of Methylated amphetamines 335

Toxicity 337

Residual effects of MdMa 337

Psychotherapeutic Uses 339

Anticholinergic Hallucinogens 340

Dissociative Anesthetic

Hallucinogens 341

History 341

Pharmacokinetics 341

Effects of PcP and Ketamine 342

Psychotherapeutic Uses 342

Salvinorin A (Salvia) 343

Summary 344



Medications 347

Historical Overview 349

The Pre-chlorpromazine era 349

The age of chlorpromazine 350

Epidemiology 351

Classes of Drugs and Their

Actions 354

antipsychotics 354

antidepressants 360

antianxiety agents 367

Nonbenzodiazepine treatment 380

Mood-stabilizing drugs 380

Psychotherapeutic Drugs and

Pregnancy 383

Summary 384


Other Prescription and


Drugs 389

Overview 390

Prescription Drugs 390

Birth control drugs 390

anabolic steroids 393

Over-the-Counter Drugs 398

fda classification 398

analgesics 399

cold and allergy Medications 401

over-the-counter stimulants and

sedatives 401

Herbal Products, Hormones, and

Dietary Supplements 402

areca (Betel) 403

dhea 403

ephedra/Ma huang 404

Ginkgo Biloba 404

Kava 404

Kratom 405

Melatonin 406

s-adenosyl-Methionine 406

John’s Wort 406

Valerian 406

Gamma hydroxybutyrate 407

inhalants 408

Summary 410


Treatment of Substance

Use Disorders 413

Motivation to Change 415

Change without Formal

Treatment 417

Self-Help Groups 417

alcoholics anonymous 418

other self-help Groups 421

Models of Substance Use

Disorders 422

five Model categories 422

Biopsychosocial Model 424

Professional Treatment: Assessment and Goals 425

Abstinence or Moderation? 426

Harm reduction 427

Alcohol Treatment Settings and Services 428

Types of settings and services 428

Pharmacological treatment 430

Effectiveness of alcohol treatment 431

Nonpharmacological Professional treatment 432

self-help treatment 433

effectiveness of Pharmacological treatments 436

Other Drug Treatment Settings and Services 438

treatment of nonopiate drug Use disorder 438

Pharmacotherapy of other drug Use disorders 439

Effectiveness of drug treatment 441

nonpharmacological Professional treatment 441

Self-help treatment 442

Pharmacological treatments 443

Promising treatment techniques 444

Special Topics in Alcohol and Drug Treatment 445

Treatment of Polysubstance Misuse 445

Treatment of dual-diagnosis Patients 446

Relapse 446

Models of Causes and Treatment

Methods 450

Economic Factors in Alcohol and Drug

Treatment 450

The Stepped-Care Approach 452

Summary 454


Prevention of Substance

Misuse 459

Defining Prevention 461

Models of Prevention 462

sociocultural Model 462

distribution of consumption Model 464

Proscriptive Model 466

Principles of Drug Misuse

Prevention 468

Current Topics in Prevention 470

education and Mass Media efforts 471

affect-oriented Programs 473

Ginkgo Biloba 404

Kava 404

Kratom 405

Melatonin 406

S-adenosyl-Methionine 406

John’s Wort 406

Valerian 406

Gamma hydroxybutyrate 407

inhalants 408

Summary 410


Treatment of Substance

Use Disorders 413

Motivation to Change 415

Change without Formal

Treatment 417

Self-Help Groups 417

alcoholics anonymous 418

other self-help Groups 421

Models of Substance Use

Disorders 422

five Model categories 422

Biopsychosocial Model 424

Professional Treatment: Assessment

and Goals 425

abstinence or Moderation? 426

harm reduction 427

Alcohol Treatment Settings and

Services 428

types of settings and services 428

Pharmacological treatment 430

effectiveness of alcohol treatment 431

nonpharmacological Professional

treatment 432

self-help treatment 433

effectiveness of Pharmacological treatments 436

Other Drug Treatment Settings and Services 438

treatment of nonopiate drug Use disorder 438

Pharmacotherapy of other drug Use disorders 439

effectiveness of drug treatment 441

nonpharmacological Professional treatment 441

self-help treatment 442

Pharmacological treatments 443

Promising treatment techniques 444

Special Topics in Alcohol and Drug

Treatment 445

Treatment of Polysubstance Misuse 445

Treatment of dual-diagnosis Patients 446

Relapse 446

Models of Causes and Treatment

Methods 450

Economic Factors in Alcohol and Drug

Treatment 450

The Stepped-Care Approach 452

Summary 454


Prevention of Substance

Misuse 459

Defining Prevention 461

Models of Prevention 462

Sociocultural Model 462

Distribution of consumption Model 464

Proscriptive Model 466

Principles of Drug Misuse

Prevention 468

Current Topics in Prevention 470

Education and Mass Media efforts 471

Affect-oriented Programs 473

Glossary 484

References 490

Index 529

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